
5 tips for healthy skin | Chin Acne Cure

5 tips for healthy skin

It is never too late to start taking care of your skin, whether you are young or old, your skin will reap the benefits always! One can not always have the time to follow a strict diet and intensive skin care, but with these tips, you can not only have a healthy skin but also maintain the appearance of your skin youthful for longer!

       Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight.
Nothing will age you faster than the sun's harmful rays. They can not only cause cancer, but they can also cause premature aging, wrinkles before age, freckles, age spots and the can dry skin. You should always cover the face as much as possible when you are outside and the sun is at its maximum during the entire exposure. Or, you should try to avoid the sun between 10am and 16h, it is at this moment that the sun's rays are most intense. Wear a hat and appropriate clothing that covers you and also keep you cool . And do not skimp on the sunscreen! Use generous amounts of sunscreen half an hour before sun exposure and apply it again every two hours, more often if you are swimming or sweating profusely if you .

       Stop smoking!
It is fairly obvious that smoking will cause aging and damage your skin. Smoking decreases blood flow by reducing the size of the blood vessels in your skin which is then deprived of oxygen and vitamins A key to health. Collagen and elastin, which are fibers that keep your skin firm and elastic, can be damaged by smoking. Not to mention the wrinkles you have, after all this time to pucker the lips while you inhale. The only way to minimize the damage more s deep in your skin is to quit. This may not be easy, ask for help from a doctor if you can not do it by yourself as long-term, your whole body will thank you.

       Be Gentle (it) with your skin
Take daily showers or hot baths can e Your Text rid skin of essential oils. I t may be good to spend less time in the bath and lowering the water temperature. Stop using scented soaps so strongly prefer unscented mild soap. When you shave, always apply a cream or gel shave and never use a razor gross - it cuts will deteriorate the skin. Shave always in the direction of hair growth and try not to shave when it is not needed. After you have showered ( e) or after taking a bath, pat or gently dry your skin instead of rubbing to keep your skin hydrated.

       Eat Well
  Good food definitely give you a beautiful skin. Especially if you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains and meat completely your thin. A diet rich in vitamin C s may promote younger looking skin.

       Stop stressing

Stress can have an impact on our bodies, including our skin and it shows definitely on our faces! He can trigger acne breakouts and other problems. This is why it is important to keep a positive mindset and happy fo r healthy skin and resple ndissante.

History of acne | cure |chin | Treatment

History of acne
Perspective Egyptian, Roman and Greek
Meaning of the term "acne"
Acne is an old problem, and yet it is one of the skin diseases are the most common causes usually "rashes or pimples" on the face, back, neck, and sometimes on the arms . The term "acne" is derived from Greek and means rash.
Since ancient times, acne was considered a serious disease of the skin that could severely affect the complexion of the human being. Acne is now considered the skin disease most commonly persists even from the earliest times. However, due to the lack of correct knowledge and research, acne was then considered rather com me disease "contagious" that could be passed from one person to another.
Historians trace the history of acne through three major ancient civilizations: the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks.
Acne and Ancient Egypt
Archaeological data have revealed that even the Pharaohs of Egypt trying to treat e problem ie nt feasibility and hard to the same result. However, due to lack of technology and scientific research, many myths and superstitions were related because s, signs, symptoms and treatment of acne.
The ancient Egyptians, for example, using magic, incantations and spells to treat. Similarly, the Egyptians who lived in the third century AD, believed that acne was caused by telling lies. Some food and drinks were also considered as a major cause of acne in the 14th century. For the same reason, doctors and "harkeems" oriental medicine ask their patients to avoid spicy foods and strong drinks. It was not until the 20th century that significant progress has been made ​​in the treatment of skin diseases.
The PND and a Ancient Greece
Historical data indicate that in Ancient Greece, Hippocrates and Aristotle made ​​mention of the disease. Physicists of Ancient Greece certainly recognized acne as they knew tovoot, a disease that Aristotle described in sufficient detail so that there is no doubt as to its identification. Hippocrates also used the term, but did not explain what he meant by that, although its wording suggests that the disease was well known and identified.
Acne and ancient Rome
There are stories about proven Romans who used "hot baths of sulfur" to reduce the symptoms of acne. In fact, historians describe an interesting way to treat acne in the period of ancient Rome. Arguably the Romans were the first civilization to treat acne. During the Roman Empire (27 BC to 393 AD), it was thought that s pores could be cleaned s opportunities and mixing of sulfur in mineral baths. It was quite effective because this type of cleaning reduced the number of bacteria that cause acne. In addition, thanks to the properties of dehydrating summers suffers fat that closed the skin was dry. Although this is not the perfect remedy, treatment with mineral water and sulfur improved the signs and symptoms of acne.
Based on the brief history above, we can conclude that acne is an old disease with an old history. From time to time, various cultures and societies have used different methods to address the problem. Thanks to modern advances in the field of natural therapy, new formulas and safe systems are now available. Not only do they treat the problem successfully but you will save more money.