
stages of chin acne cure treatment adult

Understanding different stages of acne
A simple classification of acne
Based on the degree of severity of the signs and symptoms of acne, the disease can be classified into three major steps or high levels as follows:
The PND was mild ("whiteheads" and "blackheads")
Acne the égère, also known as non-acne inflammatory, is caused by a plug of dead skin cells and fat in the channel containing the hair under the skin surface. Because the plugs are below the surface skin, rub the fact will not make them disappear. In fact, rub the skin or use abrasive cleaners or soaps can irritate the skin and aggravate acne. Mild acne usually leaves no permanent marks on the skin.
The PND has moderate to moderately severe
This type of acne, also known as inflammatory acne consists of numerous white spots, blackheads, papules and pustules that cover ¼ to ¾ of the face and / or other body parts. It can be treated with lotion or gels s i antibiotics ains with retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is an altered form of vitamin A. It helps prevent whiteheads and blackheads. Your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic such as erythromycin stamp. If you take a pill to prevent pregnancy, antibiotics can affect their operation. Be sure to use a second method of contraception in addition to the pill, such as condoms. Retinoic acid and antibiotic pills can make the skin sensitive to sunlight. So, wear sunscreen and stay in the shade when you use them.
The PND is severe
Severe acne is rare and consists of a mixture of inflammatory acne and non-inflammatory. It has all types of lesions including severe inflammatory lesions (pustules very red) and possibly cystic lesions (lesions with a diameter greater than 0.5 cm with a soft surface that are not as inflamed). It is more common to have a mixture of lesions simultaneously. You should see a dermatologist to treat this type of acne. Scars can be prevented with proper treatment. Topical treatments alone are not effective in treating severe inflammatory acne because they can not penetrate deep enough through the surface of the skin to treat severely inflamed nodules and cysts.
Severe acne requires systemic treatment (medications taken orally). Systemic treatments are that the drug is distributed throughout the body. Your dermatologist can prescribe antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Large inflamed cysts can be treated by injecting a drug that reduces the redness, swelling and irritation and promotes healing.

How To Get Permanent Chin Acne Cure

During teen years, chine acne can really be embarrassing, but when it progresses into adulthood, you may begin to wonder if something is wrong with you. Generally, it is normal for adults to have acne; it’s only embarrassing for some to ask for tips on how to cure it.
Chin acne is located in the chin and it’s just normal acne. It doesn’t have any more annoyance other than its location on the face which people can see. It is imperative to know what really causes chin acne before thinking How to get permanent chin acne cure.
One of the reasons why you have acne on your chin could be your make up. If you decided to cover acne you spotted on your chin with some make up, you may only realize it got the problem worse. The makeup could just be blocking the pores on your chin, thereby causing breakouts or bumps.

Allowing your skin by avoiding make up will make your skin breathe which may just be the best option even if you are may want to hide your acne. Ensure you choose make up brands that are non-comedogenic, if you still feel you must use a makeup, as they are likely to clog your pores.

Do you touch your face regularly maybe when you are bored or in deep thought? You may even be doing that while reading this now. Touching your face is one of the causes of acne. you transfer the germs and dirt which clog your pores whenever you touch your chin with your hand, which will result in acne.
Being conscious of the number of times you touch your chin with your hands would be helpful not to spread it out.
With most women, hormones can be the cause of chin acne. An irregular level of estrogen causes sebaceous glands in the skin to produce excess sebum. If sebaceous gland produces excessive oil, it can cause a build-up and clog the pores. This will in turn cause germ attraction and lead to the formation of chin acne. puberty, pregnancy and menopause which are inevitable biological experiences are all factors that can lead up to excessive sebum being produced. You can expect acne to appear on other parts of your body as well during that time.
Friction is also one of the causes of chin acne. Acne caused by friction is call mechanica and caused by holding violins, wearing tight helmets and even tight clothes. The cause for this is that the skin is roughened up a lot, and the combination of heat and little circulation of air cause the skin to clog up.

Do away with things that cause friction to your chin by observing them and finding an alternative. You can also try doing a thorough clean up of things that come in contact with your chin.
If your hair reaches past your chin and you rarely tie it up, it could be the reason why you have chin acne as long is a another cause of chin acne. To prevent this, you can tie your hair or pull it away from your chin. Alternatively you can wash your hair to avoid hair oil on your face which over time clogs your chin with oil and dirt.
Chin acne is manageable and doesn’t have to be a cause for embarrassment for you any longer. Just follow the tips given on How to get permanent chin acne cure.