It is estimated that up to 80% of the population suffer from acne during adolescence and twenties
and 5% of adults suffer from acne in their future life. Generally, acne
disappears without lasting effects but some unfortunate people keep the
disfiguring scars of el acne. Acne scars occur when the buttons s'
irritate or not properly cared ment. If you invest in an effective
treatment against acne, scarring should be minimal if and only if the
acne is treated in time. There are lots of products and medicines for
skin which can help improve the appearance of scars very small but deep
scars can be treated more severely by surgery or by skin resurfacing.
Acne pimples (or lesions) can often leave a red mark or e hyper-pigmented skin. This
is not really a scar, it is a post-inflammatory change, usually visible
when the skin tries to heal and regenerate, which can take several
months. If there is no other acne lesions that particular area, the skin heal naturally and brands will no longer be visible. If marks or stains are still visible after one year, it is very likely that they are final.
You can prevent acne becomes severe as seeking treatment as soon as possible, but for many, it is often too late. The
good news is, however, that acne scars can be treated to a certain
extent, depending on their severity and may be less visible. Here are some treatment options to cure acne scars:
resurfacing: Laser resurfacing is a relatively new treatment that helps
to reduce facial wrinkles and skin irregularities, such as blemishes or
acne scars. The
technique directs short rays and intense pulsed light to the skin
irregularities. Resurfacing laser skin removes skin very precisely,
layer by layer, which causes some problems with hypopigmentation
(lightening of the skin ). This operation is con nue popular in many other ap pellations including lasabration peeling or laser. This can be expensive and time consuming, you will need more than one session, even if the results can be very satisfying time. But depending on the exact operation you have had, the recovery can be painful and long.
There are many anti-acne lotions counter that contain glycolic acid. They are very effective in reducing the appearance of acne scars. It takes at least six weeks to notice a real improvement because acne scars are listed under the skin in depth. If
there is no noticeable improvement after two months, a doctor may
prescribe a stronger bleaching cream hydroquinone for use in combination
with a retinoid cream like Retin-A or Retinova. Retinoids help inhibit more acne breakouts and this llules exfolieront the skin deep into the dermis, where the scars come.
Honey is a great natural alternative to surgery or harmful surgeries to reduce the appearance of scars. Honey is very moisturizing and although it does not remove scars, it certainly makes them less visible. The least expensive and fastest way to treat acne scars is to apply honey directly on the affected areas for an hour and rinse. If you just have a single scar, apply the honey before you go to bed, cover with a plaster and remove and rinse the next day. Adding a little lemon juice with honey is also good for treating acne scars and pimples because it is very drying. If you have sensitive skin, it is advisable to stick only with honey.